Strive Health: 7 Things to know about End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in MSSP ACOs

  1. 70
  2. 000: number of ESRD patients in MSSP Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)
  3. 0.7%: share of ESRD patients in MSSP ACO populations
  4. 1.7: average annual number of hospital admissions for ESRD patients
  5. $84
  6. 000: the average per-patient
  7. per-year spending on an ESRD patient
  8. 7%: share of spending on ESRD patients in MSSP ACO populations
  9. Almost $6 billion: the amount ACOs spend annually on members with ESRD
  10. 38%: share of MSSP ACOs that lost money on their ESRD population in 2019 (Strive Health estimate)
Notes: Based on CMS data, from an article entitled, "Managing the ESRD Population: ACOs and the Need for Specialized Kidney Care Programs," by Renee George.